Compound Wealth Blog

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KiwiSaver & Retirement Planning Seminar

Imagine a world in which you could start investing in KiwiSaver and grow it over time to cover all your retirement spending needs. It’s possible, but nearly no one will achieve this objective. For many, KiwiSaver will only cover a fraction of their retirement spending needs, and they’ll need to make up the gap another way.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

Why You’re Better Off Investing Your Weekly Lotto Ticket

For many, purchasing a weekly lotto ticket is a small indulgence with the dream of winning big. However, the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against you. Instead of spending that money on a lottery ticket, consider investing it. The potential returns from even modest investments can be substantial over time, thanks to the power of compound interest.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

Our Choice in Ethical KiwiSaver Fund Options

KiwiSaver is a fantastic opportunity to invest in companies that have a positive impact socially and on the environment. In this post, we break down what makes a KiwiSaver fund option ‘ethical’, and give you our top two picks. Check it out!

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Zoe Moller Zoe Moller

Maximizing Retirement Wealth - Compounding Returns

At the heart of successful retirement planning lies the concept of compounding returns. Simply put, it's the snowball effect where your investment returns generate earnings, which are then reinvested to generate even more returns. Over time, this process accelerates your wealth growth exponentially.

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Adam Stewart Adam Stewart

How to Pick the Right KiwiSaver Fund

Your KiwiSaver may be one of your largest assets. As such, the choice of what provider and what fund you choose is one of the most important decisions you can make to achieve your financial goals.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

Term deposits are paying 6%, should I abandon my investment strategy? 

A question being asked by some investors today is whether they should change their investment strategy because term deposits are paying 6%. Although term deposits are more attractive than they have been in a while, here are seven simple and compelling reasons to stick with your diversified investment strategy.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

The poor plight of investors that switched from Term Deposits during COVID 

In December 2023, New Zealand hit an all-time high in term deposit balances of a whopping $213 billion. If you look only at households, that number reached $127 billion, easily outstripping the combined balances of every KiwiSaver investor in the country. Article written by Ben Brinkerhoff, Head of Advice Consilium.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

What REALLY adds value when you choose a KiwiSaver scheme?

Does changing to a different KiwiSaver manager based on recent past returns really lead to better returns in the future? does switching to a different KiwiSaver manager based on fees lead to better or worse returns in the future? What’s the impact of your allocation to shares, bonds and cash on overall KiwiSaver performance?

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Adam Stewart Adam Stewart

How to Withdraw KiwiSaver for First Home Buyers

If you are a first-time home buyer you may be eligible to withdraw some of your KiwiSaver savings to put towards a deposit on your first home. You can withdraw your entire KiwiSaver balance including any Government and employer matched contributions that you may have received however, you must leave a minimum of $1,000 in your account.

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Compound Wealth Compound Wealth

Rethinking Retirement

The concept of retirement has changed considerably in the last 143 years. In New Zealand, public pensions did not exist until 1898. Those aged 65 plus could apply but were subject to a rigorous means test that covered both income and assets.

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Adam Stewart Adam Stewart

Transfer your Australian Super to KiwiSaver

So you’re an Australian moving over to New Zealand and you want to know how to move your super? Or are you a Kiwi that’s previously worked in Australia? You could have unclaimed Australian superannuation!

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Adam Stewart Adam Stewart

The Pilgrimage to Omaha

Compound Wealth was lucky to have joined the annual pilgrimage to Omaha, Nebraska in the US for the Berkshire Hathaway 2024 Shareholders Meeting earlier this month. We were also lucky to get a private tour of the New York Stock Exchange and watch the closing bell ring in!

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